un plato

un plato
un espectáculo; un personaje; ridículo;
cf. pastelito;

"el Lorenzo es un plato: ahora parece tanguero argentino con ese sombrero negro que se puso"

Diccionario de chileno actual. 2013.

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  • Plato: metaphysics and epistemology — Robert Heinaman METAPHYSICS The Theory of Forms Generality is the problematic feature of the world that led to the development of Plato’s Theory of Forms and the epistemological views associated with it.1 This pervasive fact of generality appears …   History of philosophy

  • PLATO (computer system) — PLATO was the first (circa 1960, on ILLIAC I) generalized computer assisted instruction system. It was widely used starting in the early 1970s, with more than 1000 terminals worldwide. PLATO was originally built by the University of Illinois and… …   Wikipedia

  • Plato: aesthetics and psychology — Christopher Rowe Plato’s ideas about literature and art and about beauty (his ‘aesthetics’) are heavily influenced and in part actually determined by his ideas about the mind or soul (his ‘psychology’).1 It is therefore appropriate to deal with… …   History of philosophy

  • Plato: ethics and politics — A.W.Price I Plato followed his teacher Socrates into ethics by way of a question that remained central in Greek thought: what is the relation between the virtues or excellences (aretai) of character, and happiness (eudaimonia)?1 Both concepts… …   History of philosophy

  • Plato's Problem — is the term given by Noam Chomsky to the gap between knowledge and experience. It presents the question of how we account for our knowledge when environmental conditions seem to be an insufficient source of information. It is used in linguistics… …   Wikipedia

  • Plato and Platonism — • Greek philosopher (b. c. 428 B.C.) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Plato and Platonism     Plato and Platonism     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • plato — (Del lat. *plattus, platus, plano). 1. m. Recipiente bajo y redondo, con una concavidad en medio y borde comúnmente plano alrededor, empleado en las mesas para servir los alimentos y comer en él y para otros usos. 2. Platillo de la balanza. 3.… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Plato — oder Platon ist: Name einer Person der Antike: Platon (Sohn des Lykaon), einer der 50 Söhne des Lykaon in der griechischen Mythologie Platon, griechischer Philosoph und Gelehrter Platon (Dramatiker), Komödiendichter im klassischen Athen Platon… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Plato (disambiguation) — Plato was a Greek philosopher.Plato may also refer to:People*Plato (comic poet), an Athenian comic poet *Plato of Bactria, a Hellenistic king in Afghanistan *Plato (footballer), a Brazilian soccer player *Platon (bishop of Tallinn) (born Paul… …   Wikipedia

  • PLATO — (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) est un projet de télescope spatial de l Agence spatiale européenne dont l objectif est la découverte d exoplanètes. PLATO est un des trois candidats du programme scientifique Cosmic Vision de l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plato del Séder — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ordenación tradicional de los ingredientes en el plato de la pascua del seder. Los ingredientes (en sentido de reloj, desde la parte superior): chazeret (lechuga romana), z roa (una tibia de cordero asada), charoset …   Wikipedia Español

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